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Writer James Ivory / Director Luca Guadagnino / 187945 vote / / 2 hours 12minutes / genre Drama, Romance





Free call me by your name full movie. Your comment about obstacles these two character should face troubles me, especially in the comparison to Moonlight. Why does there need to be obstacles? As an lgbtq person, this is the first movie where being lgbtq comes with no obstacles. The conflict presented isn"t tangible. For once, the conflict isn"t society, parents, self worth, or anything that we get to see, it is time. For once, a portrayal of lgbtq people in our world were treated as just people, a small slice of life where them being lgbtq is not an issue. There is no tangible conflict or obstacle these characters face because there shouldn"t be, because they are just two people who are alive with time not on their side. As for your comparison to Moonlight, the two movies don"t share similar themes. Moonlight deals with masculinity, identity/self worth, race, and the dynamics of poor disenfranchised communities. This movie deals with our relationship with time, obsession, and friendship. They don"t share similar themes, they both just have lgbtq people in them. That doesn"t make their experiences the same, and both movies showcase a completely different life, character, and thematic message.

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